Anita Pariseau is a Colorado-based writer, consultant, world traveler, and mentor and friend to many.

In 2019 her travel book on Colorado Springs, part of the Greater than a Tourist series that features insider, local tips, was published.

Everyone has a story to tell—perhaps a story of loss, perseverance, shame, self-discovery, courage, or wonder. Over the course of a life well lived, you experience identity-defining moments that change you in profound ways. Like an abundant spice cabinet, you amass these nuggets of wisdom (some savory, some bitter, some sweet) that you call on from time to time, some for you and others for those you love and emotionally support.

Some of the stories you’ll find on this site are mine and some of them I’ve gleaned from conversations with people I hold dear in my universe, people who share something in common with me: resiliency. I share these stories in hopes of creating a kinder, more empathic community, and I share them as examples of how you might find a reservoir of strength to navigate some of life’s “tough stuff.”

The ultimate mission of is to take you, the reader (and hopefully, sharer), on a journey of understanding and inspiration and to provide real evidence that you are, in fact, not alone. Shedding light on our common thread of humanity can be healing, inspirational, and powerful, especially in unity with others.

I invite you to share your stories and comments at the end of each story, or please feel free to send me an email from the contact page.

Carry on…oh, resilient one!